As ever shorter construction deadlines are being imposed, the concept of planning has become almost meaningless.  Labour costs are growing, while the availability of skilled personnel is declining. 
Working together with a specialist bending centre, Multifil has developed a range of starter bars, ring and column reinforcement systems, all produced according to a fully automated process.
The range consists of the most common diameters and types of diameters and is provided in standard lengths. The easy pick & pay reinforcement system significantly reduces working time and labour costs.
As a result, onsite plaiting is kept to a minimum. Only tie bars still need to be used.

Advantages of a prefabricated reinforcement system

– Lower labour costs 
– Shorter completion deadlines 
– Fast availability 
– No specialist knowledge required 
– Types of diameter calculated on a section basis  
– Suitable for all builders 
– Safe to use (the reinforcement stays in place)


voegnetten voor breedplaatvloeren - wachtwapening - hoeknetten - funderingswapening - kolom- en ringbalkwapening

Types of prefabricated reinforcements